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Showing posts from January, 2009

Because I just have to...

...write at least one post about the season premiere of LOST...the greatest show EVER! Don't read if you've never seen it and plan to. I just had a couple of thoughts...well, a lot more, but these are the only ones I can wrap my head around a little bit... 1. First off, let me just say, that I have been saying since Desmond's first appearance that he was key to figuring out the mystery. Somehow I just knew he was going to be important even though he hasn't been front and center. Other thought on Desmond...why does Farraday tell Desmond he's so it because he's the only one that exists in all 3 spaces in time...past, present, and future? He was on the island before the plane crashed, during it, and now he's off the island. He's the only that exists in 3 different planes. Also, he has a "constant", Penny, and he's also Farraday's "constant". Or is that he turned the fail safe key? 2. I think Miles might be Dr. Marvi

The Wedding

I've written many blogs about all the festivities leading up to my good friends Kevin and Becky's wedding, but I never got around to posting about the actual wedding day. One reason was probably because I was barely there. We partied really hard the night before. At some point I was in a bathtub, and I think, but I'm not sure I hit my head really hard. Woke the next day with a bump on my head and felt like crap. I made it through the beautiful ceremony, and that was about it. Kevin and Becky had bought special bottles of wine that they were going to use for their "guestbook". It was a really neat idea, but they left the bottles at their apartment. So, they asked me to go get them. I jumped in Kelly's car and went to get them. At which point I started feeling so sick and queasy and like I was going to pass out, and in a general state of panic. I think after looking some stuff up that I had a concussion. On the way to their apartment, Kevin called and

Becky's Pics from the Japanese Tea Garden

Our train conductor Kelly, me and Dre Kelly looks amazing! Not that she doesn't always

Girls Day Out

So, any of us with significant others kicked them to the curb and spent a girls day out together. Becky, Andrea, and I went to brunch at Druther's. Never been there, but it was to die for! Then we met up with Kelly and Joy to go to the Japanese Tea Gardens. Hadn't been there in years. Took lots of pics. Can't wait to see the ones Becky took. She made me be in most of them since it was decided I was the most photogenic. nice. The Gardens are right next to the zoo so we decided to take a ride on the train that goes around Breckenridge Park and the zoo, which I have never done before. We sat up in the front near the "conductor", and laughed our asses off. He was so freakin' hilarious. Joy had to leave, but Becky, Kelly, Andrea, and I had dinner at Alamo Cafe , and then we headed back to my apartment where we played the Wii for a couple of hours and then tried to learn the So Jo Boy dance. Good times. Gabby's dad actually drove her ho
Joy and Andrea Becky

OMG! I love this! I found it on Stephanie's blog.

Just a couple of Christmas Pics

New work clothes for me! New jewelry from Andrea for Gabby. Gabby opening her new comforter set. All pink, black, girly, and rockin'.

Here's how I've decided to work this.

I'm going to keep this blog... Que?... public. I really hate censoring anything I write, and I hate "hiding" anything I write, BUT I have really important stuff that I badly want to share...and publicly can't. SO...I'm going to be making my other blog, True Romance? , email invite only (seems fitting since this is all about love anyway!). I sent out the emails already. If you usually read and I somehow forgot you or don't have your email address...send me a reminder at I'm still feeling pretty yucky. I was fighting something off all week, and then Friday morning it just hit me like a ton of bricks. My lungs feel much better! MUCH! I was having stabbing pains when I coughed. When I saw the doc he said he was going to give me an antibiotic and something for my congestion. I figured it was going to be some kind of Robotusin or something. But, no. I pick up the prescription and it's called Hydromet generic for Hydocan...hmm

I've got the black lung, Pop!

I will eventually get around to making this blog private, and fill you in on my new relationship. But, right now, I have an infection in my lungs, a sinus infection, and really just feel like crap. Otherwise things have been going really well. Wednesday night I went to a Celine Dion concert with my mom and sis. Great show, great singing. But her facial expressions and talking? She's a crazy nutjob!!!

New Year's Eve at the Mansion

Becky, Melissa, and Joy Andy, Kevin, and Russell. They refused to look at the camera. Kelly, me, and Shane...cheese. My Girls: Kelly, Joy, Michelle, Dre, Me, Melissa, and Becky. I want Dre to photoshop my back rolls out of this!!! Matty give Kevin shit about football. The Newlyweds: Kevin and Becky Becky and Joy Kevin and Shane Dre and me. Ok, sometimes I love her. Dre, me and Leslie. Pictures from above do wonders for your double chin. Dre and me. Ok, maybe she loves me, too. Dre, Chell, and Andy Dre and Andy (on the phone of course). I love this picture of Dre. Andy and me. Still on the phone. Kelly Kelly