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Showing posts from May, 2008


More pictures! It's the easiest thing for me to do right now when I have nothing to say... Pool party at Kevin and Becky's...Tybor holds up a bottle of Smirnoff that came right out of the cooler like this...They should pay us for a commercial. I didn't go, but maybe next year....Andrea went with Becky and Joy (directly below) and Kevin, Tybor, and Andy (below that) to Ren Fair. They're so cute all dressed up! One of the professors from where Andrea works held a Kentucky Derby Party (Kentucky Derby attire not expected, but appreciated). So, we found it a good excuse to buy ridiculous, fabulous hats. It was so much fun! Complete with Mint Julep hour and betting on the horses. Even though the actual race is like 2 seconds...and even though the poor filly Eight Belles broke her ankles and had to be put was still fun, and I definitely want to do it again next year. Just Andrea and Andy hanging out one night at Charlie Brown's. A couple of months ago, I decide

Jessica says I should blog more.

I have new hair. Yay.

Rise and Shine

This is the difference between my life as a mom and my moonlighting as a single gal on the weekends my daughter goes to her dad's. It's nearly 8 am, and I'm up. For no good reason. Just...up. Not tired. Up and ready to start doing laundry, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, etc. She went to her dad's on Friday night, and yesterday, I didn't wake up until 11, missed my appointment with Ray Ray, was severely hungover and dehydrated...felt pretty rough. Slept all day long. Did nothing. Maybe she really needs to stay home on the weekends more often. Or, maybe I should excercise some self control and quit going out every time she's not here...and really take some control over how much I drink.

Jess left me a nasty comment...

...about not blogging recently, so, I'll just catch you up on one thing I've been doing a lot of... In the last weeke and a half, I went on another movie spree! Well, first off, when I was sick a week or so ago and took off from work, I watched the whole third season of Party of Five . I watched this show when it was in syndication, and I remember that Scott Wolf (Bailey) was the one that everyone thought was soooo cute. But as a 30 year old woman watching this show...Matthew Fox is by FAR one of the sexiest men ALIVE! Into the Wild - All I can say is I really loved it. Something about it really got to me. Maybe it was the whole "getting away from 'society'" that sometimes I wish I coud do, but know I never could. I love pedicures way too much. La Vie En Rose - Perfect kind of movie for me. Historical. Biographical. Intriguing. Goya's Ghosts - Intersting. Again, historical. A period piece. And I love those even if they're not very good. The Spanish