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Showing posts from July, 2006

I'll organize...You read what you will...

Please don't judge me ~ It's been a while since my apartment has had a really good cleaning. My kitchen and living room get cleaned a lot more often than the rest of my apartment. I'm stalling because I'm really embarrassed to admit this, bedroom...has not been cleaned since November when I was in my "Sick Period", and I went to stay at my mom's house for a weekend and my poor sister came and cleaned my entire apartment and my mom did my laundry. It's been a really long time. I change and wash my sheets once a week, but as far as dusting, vacuuming, etc. goes...well, there hasn't been a whole lot of that going on. In fact, in the last couple of months there hasn't been a whole lot of that going on for the whole place. I feel like one of those ladies on Oprah or something with the really messy house and all they have to say for themselves is, "I don't know how it happened. I just ended up here." (HOWEVER!...It

Ok, so...

...I graduated in May. Technically. I wore the cap and gown, I walked the stage, I got my fake diploma, I flipped my tassle, and all is well. Kind of. I need to finish up 3 hours this summer before they will actually send my real degree in the mail. Which will actually work out really well for me because the semester that I was really sick I had to withdraw from all of my classes, but I didn't get to withdraw before the deadline, so I ended up with all F's. Dropping my GPA from a 3.7 to a 3.0. But I have now appealed that and had all the grades changed to W's. This way when they re-audit me and I get my real degree I will be graduating cumme laude (or however you spell that stinkin' phrase). The class for this summer? Biology of the Human Reproductive System. level sex education. Basically I will sit in class for 2 hours everyday of the week for the next 5 weeks and talk about penises and vaginas. Doesn't get any better than that, right? T's late's only about 1230am, but I just woke up from a really bad nightmare, and I would really love at least some phone attention from my boyfriend, but alas, he's on a fishing trip, has to be up at 5 in the morning, and he forgot his phone charger, so we've been trying to conserve the minutes until he gets home on Sunday. Which has meant one 5 minute phone call each day for the last two days, and the same for the next two days...Sorry, I'm just lonely. I just came back to edit this because I realized that two years ago, on July 7, which was 30 minutes ago yesterday, was my 2 year blogging anniversary. This year I have no "special" blogs to link to, to say, "Go, check this one out again." I didn't blog that much this past year...well, I did last summer, but then of course, between getting sick, getting my tonsils out, and JC and me breaking up, and getting back together, I just haven't been writing as much. The combination of depression