Warning . . . LONG POST My one-year blog anniversary is almost here. So, that means I'm also back to the kind of lifestyle I was leading a year ago . . . not working and being able to blog on a regular basis. I have 9 hours left until I graduate, so i decided to take the entire summer off from school for the first time in 4 years. There will be a whole lot of bloggin' going on, because, trust me I will be very bored. Or . . . maybe not. Last year I didn't have Obi-Wan to go see everyday. I won't be waiting around for an email from the AOC all day. I can get up early, get back into going to the gym, (it's been a month and a 1/2, people, and I've only been to the gym 3 times) and then I can come home shower and go hang out with my boyfriend until I have to pick up Gabby. My last real summer before it's time for me to become a "real" adult. I just turned 28 and I'm torn between feeling really old (my boyfriend afterall is only going to be 23 in a ...