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Showing posts from June, 2005

"[Lizzie's] back...back again..."

Warning . . . LONG POST My one-year blog anniversary is almost here. So, that means I'm also back to the kind of lifestyle I was leading a year ago . . . not working and being able to blog on a regular basis. I have 9 hours left until I graduate, so i decided to take the entire summer off from school for the first time in 4 years. There will be a whole lot of bloggin' going on, because, trust me I will be very bored. Or . . . maybe not. Last year I didn't have Obi-Wan to go see everyday. I won't be waiting around for an email from the AOC all day. I can get up early, get back into going to the gym, (it's been a month and a 1/2, people, and I've only been to the gym 3 times) and then I can come home shower and go hang out with my boyfriend until I have to pick up Gabby. My last real summer before it's time for me to become a "real" adult. I just turned 28 and I'm torn between feeling really old (my boyfriend afterall is only going to be 23 in a

Out Of It

I've been really out of my whole E-World since I met Obi-Wan. I'm hardly ever home. I still haven't gathered all my thoughts from my vacation in Florida, so I just want to post about Karaoke. Karaoke is not a thing I do. It's along the same lines as going tubing, bowling, or walking through the grass at night. It's something other people do, and I don't! I've always thought it was kind of dumb. But, of course, most of the things people think are dumb is because of their own fear of doing it, oh, and Karaoke does attract some of the most god awful people. So, until recently I stayed away from any establishment that would condone such an event. Now, I've been three times. I do not sing, but my boyfriend and friends do, and they love it. It's a regular thing for them on Monday nights at the Irish Pub. Last Wednesday Mi-Mi, Obi-Wan, and Ace decided they wanted to try out a new place. By the end of the night, the door man and the DJ were kissing their ass

Hello Hello

Just in from 4 days in Jacksonville Beach, FL. I will give a full run down when I'm feeling a little more up to it. In the meantime I would like to admit my dumbness and allow everyone to laugh at me. I knew that all this time I had been misspelling Obi-One Kinobe, I just didn't realize how wrong I was, but now that my boyfriend (who is Obi) wrote it out in my birthday card (yes, Sunday was my birthday!) I feel really really dumb, but I do now know, people, how to spell it correctly! OBI-WAN KENOBI! I will never again misspell it.

White Boys

I've never dated a white male before, partly because I live in San Antonio and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Another part is because I am usually attracted to darker men with brown eyes, and also partly because Hispanic men, I think, tend to like the fact that I'm not a toothpick. Obi One is the first white guy that I've dated. This morning I couldn't get over how amazingly hot the freckles across his shoulders are, and how amazingly hot the little blonde fuzz is at the top of his back in between his shoulder blades. His red goatee that is the same color as my hair is amazingly hot, too. Last night Obi One and I went to a bar that was having Karaoke night. We met up with his friend Ace Ventura and Ace's girlfriend, and some of her friends, too. Obi One did a duet with Ace of an Eminem song. They were doing the Eminem-bob-dancing thing and it was completely hot as well. The crowd was loving them. I was in complete awe. I didn't know he could do that

Sweatin' Like a Gator

I really do have a boyfriend. It kind of hit me today. I dropped him off at work with a kiss, and "I love you", and a "have a great night, call me later". I then started driving home and had this revelation because I was wearing Obi One's football jersey, my shirt from last night is at his apartment, and his sunglasses are in my car. And before I dropped him off at work, he said, "Do WE need to get more cigarettes?" WE is the key word. I feel like the world's biggest dork for posting about this all the time, but I think it's great that I'm so f-ing happy. It's been way too long and I'm pretty sure I deserve it. Last night was the usual cast of characters, plus we were joined by another friend of mine and Mi-Mi's from school, Jason. I thought Obi One might have been a little upset because Mi-Mi, Jason, and I talked about school non-stop for a little while causing Obi One and Velma to go play a game of golf on the arcade. But when

New Things That I Love

These are the old things, and some of them still remain . . . 1. Bagels 2. Bagels 3. Coffee - French Velvet 4. Taking off from work early so I can go lay in bed with my boyfriend before he has to go to work. 5. The way my boyfriend's hair stands straight up when he wakes up. 6. Bloody Mary's with spicy green beans 7. Free cigarettes from the cigarette lady at the bar. 8. Having your boyfriend's friends actually like you because you were friends with them first. 9. Picking on Josh. 10. A clean car, so my boyfriend doesn't get in and say, "Here we go for another ride with the Vanilla, chocolate protein, puke smell." 11. Laughing with Mi-Mi 12. Dreaming about going to Santorini when I graduate. 13. Not feeling like ass when I wake up after a night of drinking. 14. Lemon Pepper chicken wings and fries with sugar on them. 15. Fountain drinks, especially Diet Dr. Pepper. 16. The fact that my new boyfriend has an undying affection for Cherry Coke and Goldschlagger s

Please Do Not Be Alarmed, Jessie

Jess seems to think that I've taken up an LSD habit, but in all actuality I've just met a great, kooky, strange, awesome group of people that make me feel like I'm in a dream the whole time I'm with them. Saturday night was a complete debauchery . . . not on my part. Mi-Mi and I took one car to our friend Eric's party, and I didn't realize that we would be staying there the entire night until 230 am. I was missing O-B One pretty badly. Eric got so wasted and proceeded to lick everyone . . . EVERYONE, including the other guys that were there. My forehead and cheek was absolutely disgusting. We finally left and went over to O-B One's and Velma's apartment. The short, high, cute guy was passed out on the couch, and Mi-Mi told the story of our night to everyone else. I've never laughed so hard in my laugh. Mi-Mi should become a stand-up comedian. O-B One and I woke up on Sunday afternoon, and he waved his hand, using the Force, and said, "You will s

Is it morning?

Last night was very interesting from a drunken point of view. A lot of the new friends I've been hanging out with lately all work, or used to work at this restaurant here in town where they have to dress up in costume and play the role. Of course, when we go out, they're obviously not dressed in costume, but it's funny how they choose characters that are very physically representative of themselves, and even a little representative of their personalities. Okay, they're actually ALOT like their characters! Which made the situation even more surreal. So, if I forget about their real names for a little while, my evening went something like this . . . I got to the bar and met up with Mi-Mi from the Drew Carey show, and Mr. Incredible. We sipped on Bloody Mary's, and discussed the marketing for pickled, spicy green beans. I hate green beans, and I hate Bloody Mary's, but damn those green beans were good. We were sitting at a cozy little intimate table, but out of the

Bulleted Update

~I'm still having a midlife crisis or whatnot, BUT . . . ~There are a lot of things I am really happy with *My friend Andrea is coming over to hang out tonight - I'm excited about hanging out with a real girl instead of Josh (I still love you Josh) *I'm having fun with JC, and just letting things flow (he's so awesome) *It's cool that Andrea and JC are really good friends and I kind of have some new people to hang out with and get to know *Did I mention how totally cute and awesome JC is ~I've had some really good emails from the AOC from thousands and thousands of miles away. It makes me feel really good that he at least is thinking about me while he's away. ~The summer shopping spree extravaganza was so much fun, and lots of bonding time with Gabby. Even though she found a ball to bounce through the entire store while we looked for clothes, and every minute I would say, "Gabby, you're killing me with that ball . . . KNOCK IT OFF!" ~My job is

I'm in the crappiest mood ever, I'm having a mid-life crisis, a nervous breakdown, or a Cancer meltdown, or whatever you want to call it

Gabby was feeling sick this morning, and all I did was yell at her because I was either going to be late for work, or have to call in. I feel like the world's worst mother. I haven't spent much time with her at all, but I got off work early, and I'm going to take her on a summer shopping spree extravaganza. How exciting is that? I can't wait to spend this time with her!

Dinner with Josh and Gabby

Gabby asked me, "Does Josh have a girlfriend." Me: "Nope, he needs help!" Gabby: "I can help you, Josh. What you need is a motorcycle! . . . and some snappy clothes. You know, like a big snap up in the air." Josh just listened politely and laughed.

I'm Okay

I just rear-ended some dumb bitch. It was one of those accidents where technically it was my fault, but never would have happened if this chick wasn't a plain ass dumb-ass bitch!!! GAWD!!!

Joshua Crotchua

Da-da-da-dum . . . Josh has finally decided to make a blog entry. I don't know if he can keep it up, but he left a comment here on my blog a couple of weeks ago and now he's gone and actually posted . . . does this spell a new beginning for him??? Just have to stay tuned and see . . . you decide if he's really Preaching to the Choir .
Streptococcus Just back in from having to go to the urgent care clinic. It's official. I have strep throat. I should have listened to my mom and gone to the doctor two days ago. The doctor's final word of advice to me after giving me a script for antibiotics was to drink plenty of water, and to gargle with warm salt water. I HATE gargling with warm salt water. The first thing that my mother said to me when I told her my throat was sore starting at the age of 6 or so was to gargle with warm salt water. What good does it do me to gargle with warm salt water, when it just makes me gag and throw up...then my throat hurts even more? So, hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. I can't keep taking 3200 mg of Motrin you think that's enough to overdose on? I hope not. Oh, and the doc suggested I throw away my toothbrush in 5 days. I like my toothbrush. It's brand new!!! Do you have any idea how many people's hands I shook and the amount of people I hugge
Rest in Peace This morning, or last night, my hamster, Hammy, died. The sad thing is that he looks so peaceful all curled up and laying in his cage, and I know I have to take him out and he'll be all rigor mortis and crap! I bought this hamster with an ex-boyfriend. It was like some big adventure of the day, and the whole thing is a little sad. Gabby seems to be taking it well. I feel bad that he died all alone in his cold cage. I thought I wouldn't be able to see this new guy JC for a couple of weeks because of Gabby being home, but I saw him yesterday, and I'm seeing him again today. That's one good thing about being sick (hope it's not strep throat), I can call in and then go hang out with him. Well, I went to work for a little while today, but I'm just too sick to stay there. I'm all excited and stuff. I have those little junior high school butterflies in my stomach. I can't wait to see his blue eyes, and his adorable smile, and his cute laugh...Yuck