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Showing posts from October, 2004
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Last night there was a costume party (aka Halloween Party...but some people don't celebrate Halloween? hence just being called a costume party) for the Union stewards at work...I'm not a steward, and I only just became a memeber of the Union on my last day of work in June...and only became a memeber because there were a lot of "things" going on at work, and I didn't want to be easily fired...however, the party was at a good friend from work's house, so I got an invite...I think they just really needed an extra kid...the party was kicked off by us watching the little girls, including Gabby, do a project...the project was to get this guy from work into his costume...they did his make-up...he was such a good sport about it and it was hilarious!!! Then followed up by lots of Malibu on ice. I threw together a cat outfit, by the way, for the party...I'll have to post the pics...kind of funny. Tonight I will be out amongst all the other pa
Looking for a new name? . . . Try this! Josh sent this to me today, I thought it was cute, and it made me laugh...I know I already emailed it to some people, but try it and post your new name in the comments...make me laugh!! Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a = poopsie, b = lumpy, c = buttercup, d=gadget, e= crusty, f = greasy, g = fluffy, h = cheeseball, i = chim-chim, j = stinky, k = flunky, l = bootie, m = pinky, n = zippy, o = goober, p = doofus, q = slimy, r = loopy, s = snotty, t = tootie, u = dorkey, v = squeezit, w = oprah, x = skipper, y = dinky, z = zsa-zsa Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name: a = apple, b = toilet, c = giggle, d = burger, e = girdle, f = barf, g = lizard, h = waffle, i = cootie, j = monkey, k = potty, l = liver, m = banana, n = rhino, o = bubble, p = hamster, q = toad, r = gizzard, s = pizza, t = gerbil, u = chicken, v = pickle, w = chuckle, x =
How did this happen? When I first started blogging I really didn't want my blogs to be all about "my day" or my "problems". I wanted to get creative, and discuss the funny, interesting, unobvious things that I witness or think about, maybe adding in a little of what I'm doing these days, just hasn't happened. I really don't want to TRY to make it happen either...I just want it to be on the fly...I guess there's just a lot going on in my "regular, everday, boring, monstrous life". "Come on people I want you to get excited about" Anyone know who's line that is?
"Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend . . . " How did it happen that my trainer, Aaron, has become such an important "friend" and we don't even hang out, nor would we want to? I really like people who give it to you straight, and you're absolutely sure that they don't have a hidden agenda, and they don't seem FAKE. He really helped me out today by just having a very simple conversation with me, and even though he doesn't have any clue about this blog - "THANKS, Aaron". I have to admit that I'm quite bored and possibly a little...hmmm...depressed is the wrong word here...but I can't think of what word I want, just in a slump, maybe...the "adventurous, online crush" is out o' country, and I'm missing my evening IM's and emails. A friend, Brian, asked me today why girls have friendships at all when all they do is argue, be catty, and talk about each other...hmmm, Brian, I don't
What's the point? What would you do if you had a really big crush, and you weren't expecting to hear from the crush because you knew they were busy or something, and then out of the blue they call you, and you have only talked to this person one other time on the phone...lots of emails and IM-ing, but no phone conversations? Would you freak out? Would you become a nervous, giggling, school girl?...and if so, how would you remedy that problem? Would you walk away from the conversation knowing that you should be ecstatic and jumping for joy, but instead you are being overly critical and just plain annoyed with yourself? Would you use the term 'bumbling idiot' to describe yourself?
"I'm Singing in the Rain . . . " (I really LOVE having song titles for my blogs...and really must have to sing really WILL make your day better!) Today is one of the most awesomest days in the world...don't ask me why...I really don't just is. I woke up to rain, and now it's sunshiny. I had a very fun and insecurity-driving-away conversation last night and this morming (this morming? I had to leave that in's kind of funny...ok, probably only to me) with the "adventurous, online crush", and I got Aaron the Beast to cancel our appointment today. And who knows what the rest of today holds...only good things, Samantha...only good things! I've been re-decorating my apt. for the last year...very...very slowly...whenever I have excess money...It's almost done, but I have nothing on my walls. I had decided to do my own paintings...something I haven't really done since I
Can I do this? I'm bored, and when I'm bored I often look at nonsense on the web, sometimes I go through random blogs...seldom stopping for very long...I just found one though that I really like...can I do this?...just post some random person's blog? Who cares!...check it out...It's interesting... Today I can tell is not going to be one of my better days, probably much like yesterday. I have some medical issues at the moment that I keep forgetting about...then have some thought about it, and have to say, "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." I'm now trying and wanting to back out of this "online relationship" I've started, that might turn out to be really good, but don't want to look that far ahead, and cigarettes?...none. If you want to skip school, lay in bed all day until it's time to see Aaron the Beast, raise your hand!
Time to Share? I have a huge crush. I have a huge crush on a man I've never met in person. I have a huge crush on a man who does things that are very cool. Yesterday in the mail I got the book that he sent me...the book that he wrote...a book about all of his travels and adventures. The more I read this book, the less confident I start to feel about this being a possible "match". I have no idea what I can offer this older, more sophisticated, more worldly man. The biggest adventures in my life are grappling with 18-year old freshmen for a parking space at school, finishing a set of push-ups and pull-ups at the gym, or wrestling my daughter to the ground for a bath. Maybe I can teach him all about Sponge-Bob Square Pants? This is again one of those times where things seem too good to be true. The emails we send back and forth would suggest that there is a great interest and curiosity on both sides, and that something really good could possibly come from this!!! His
"Shake, shake the KETCHUP bottle; None will come, and then a lottle . . . " (I think this is the second time that I have used a line from a movie about "KETCHUP" to stand in for me meaning that I'm going to "catch up". I won't do it again, I promise.) I have just forgotten anything that I wanted to blog about...I think I spent too much energy coming up with the titile and the title explaination. Media: This past weekend I bought the new Joss Stone's really good, and needs to be checked out by all. On Saturday morning I got up pretty early and stayed in bed and watched Taking Lives ...twice. It WAS that good. Plus, it had one of those endings where you want to re-watch the movie to see why you didn't get it or something. Plus, has Angelina Jolie in it. It's also time for book shopping again. I probably need to find some way to "slow my roll" in reading. I'm going through a book in like 2-3 days.
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." I've been kind of interested lately in cool little facts about redheads. Being a redhead is after all a little like being in some exclusive the fact that redheads constitute only about 1% of the world population. Very rare indeed. Here's a cool website with facts, photos, famous redheads...etc.
Josh . . . Just Plain Dumb? Josh and I went to breakfast at Cracker Barrell this morning. I'd never been before even though it's like 2 minutes from my apartment. Josh swore that it would be better than IHOP or any other such place. Anyways...we waited like 45 minutes for a table, but it was fine because they have this store that you can look around, and they had all their Christmas stuff out. We finally sat down, and Josh showed me this game that they had sitting on the table. It's shaped like a triangle, and has golf tees stuck in holes all over it with one empty hole. The object is to "jump" over each golf tee and remove it...ok I don't realy want to explain the whole thing...the point is that the instructions said that if you left 4 or more tees on the game board then you were an ignoramous...hahaha...Josh's first try...this is exactly what he got (and he had played it before)...I then took my very first try at this game, and removed all but one...
" . . . You Have Some Splainin' To Do . . . " I'm feeling much better about the whole blog thing...I was bored for a while, but "some things got to change round here." Changed the template, the "about me", added photo, changed display name, and edited some posts. Feels like spring cleanin'. For me though, spring cleaning just means I'm making room to go out and buy new clothes to replace old ones or something...Blog shopping would be great.
The Reign of Queen Liz Ends Changed my display name for comments and such...don't get too confused. It's now just plain Elizabeth...just like I like it.
"I'm Crazy . . . Crazy for Feeling So Blue . . . " I walked in the door after dropping off Gabby, going to the gym, and grabbing my bagel and coffee...I had to pass by the hermit crab tank...and there it was...The Crazy crab has finally died. My sister is probably going to call PETA on me.
Everyone's Favorite Sadist I actually asked Aaron to take measurements today. I must be crazy, but maybe I was just feeling thin today. I really, really was expecting really, really bad news. I wanted it to be bad news so that I could feel bad and get back on the wagon! BUT, there actually was only good news - really, really good news. The scale said that I had gained 4lbs., so in the beginning - bad news, but then Aaron did the fat pincher thing, and crunched out all the little numbers on his calculator, and it turns out I lost 1.5% fat, lost 2lbs. of fat, and the 4lbs.?...that was a 4lb. gain in muscle! Woo Hoo!! He also foamed rolled my calves with a broomstick on Mon. and again today!!! Hate him!!! Also made me do leg presses with 300lbs! I swear he thinks I'm like Chyna or something.
"You Better Slow Your Roll" . . . ...this is a very creative saying that some of my friends at work use quite often...There have been many times when I have been told that I need to "slow my roll"...One friend, Charlotte, once even told me that I needed to "stop my roll"...I'm still not real sure what exactly, specifically it should mean, but I think I'm catching on. I tend to be a big "rusher"...I want everything in my life to be instant gratification. " I want it NOW!" seems to be my much so I guess, that Josh sometimes calls me Veruca Salt (you know...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...the girl with the golden goose?). I think I'm learning though. I'm in a situation where things are moving along at a pretty slow, even-keeled pace, and there's not much I can do about it, I'm just enjoying it, going along for the ride, "slowing my roll". And I like it...I like it a lot!
Once again . . . Garden State I know, I know, I know...everyone across the world has probably heard about, or talked about how great this movie really is...I just want to post the link to Zach Braff's blog...if you loved the movie ~ you'll love the blog...
Has anyone ever told you you look like . . . ? If I have to hear someone tell me one more time that I look like Ann Margaret...I will SCREAM...or worse yet, Fergie!!! The only thing I have in common with these two women is the color of my hair!!! What was the other one I've heard?...Julianne Moore (or however it's spelled). I realize there aren't that many redheads in the world...and I realize that some people have this overwhelming need to compare the way people look to someone famous...but PLEASE!!!???...don't just go by the color of someone's hair