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Showing posts from April, 2010

NIOSA Train Float Contest

Last week was Fiesta! in San Antonio, and at work, to celebrate, we had a float contest. My team decided to put together a Night in Old San Antonio (NIOSA) float. NIOSA is one of the Fiesta! events where they serve different foods from around the world and booze of, we came up with the idea of doing a five float float for each letter of NIOSA. We decided on a Mexican Fiesta! themed float, an Irish themed float, a Chinese themed float, a French Quarter (Mardi Gras) themed float, and a German themed float. And, even though I have a lady that's from Germany on my team...I somehow was given the task of putting together the German float...I did a really cool city scene for the French Quarter float, too. So, here is my German Oktoberfest themed float...the part I did at home...then I took it to work and the German lady, who makes dollhouses and such, put little picnic tables and bread and beer mugs and a keg, etc. It turned out really cute... The pictures of

When someone calls you 'Lovely', it might be the nicest compliment EVER.

P-Dub and I had dinner with my sister last night. She knew I was feeling bad about myself. Feeling not worth anything. Feeling ugly. Fat. Old. We sat down in our booth and she looked across the table at me and said, "I think you're LOVELY!" I almost burst into tears. So did she. I could tell from her eyes that she meant it. That she didn't just mean it because I'm her sister. I want to think I'm 'lovely', but all these things influence me and get in the way. My best friend, Andrea, and I have been a little distant lately. Last night she wanted me to go out downtown for a San Antonio Fiesta event. I just didn't want to deal with the crowd and the parking. I told her if she changed plans and wanted to do something 'normal'...not Fiesta-y, I would go. We had a few text messages back and forth...I know they were silly...and meant to be teasing...but I took them soooo seriously. I'm so sensitive and try not to be. I do get my

My first attempt at scrapbooking...

I started a book for Gabby...Gabby from just before birth to 1-year old. I haven't gotten very far. P-Dub thinks I like buying and organizing scrapbooking materials more than I like actually doing it...maybe so, but, I have accomplished a few pages. I scanned these in while they were still in the album...not very smart, I know, but I didn't think about it till after I was done. only get to see a little bit because the pages are 12X12 and I can't scan the entire thing. The theme is a little haphazard right now...I'm still trying to find my 'groove' or whatever it's called in scrapbooking. I have learned, rather quickly, that I'm better at 'BLING' than I am at 'cutesy'. The Cover This page is all alone. I tried with the following pages to have things flow between the page on the left and the page on the right... Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 WOW! Ten pages...ok, eleven,