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Showing posts from October, 2009

Halloween Costume

I'm not sure I've had a "real" costume in at least 20 years. This year, I just had to have a real costume, out of a bag. The annual Halloween party will be at Andrea's new house. This year's theme is the letter "B". Last year was "A"...of course...and I went as "Assault and Battery". See? Always making costumes. Never buying one. So, yesterday, after wracking my brain and not being able to think, trying to come up with a fun costume starting with the letter "B", I finally made a decision. It's quite boring compared to my original ideas like Barbarella, Bodybuilder, Burglar (Baby Snatcher)...I decided on a Bell Hop. It's super cute, but I'm kind of hoping it's not really that super short!!! P-Dub has decided to be the Brawny Paper Towel man. Kind of funny.


I had three days left for the year...and they don't roll over. So, I took Monday and today off from work. I didn't realize when I requested the days that Gabby had yesterday off from school, so I actually got a 3 day "alone" vacation...and then Gabby was home last night and off to school this morning. Friday P-Dub, Andrea and I went to see Paranormal Activity . It was my B-Day present for Andrea. The movie was in limited release the weekend before. P-Dub and I were going to go. We both don't "like" scary movies. He doesn't like them at all. I like them ALOT. I LOVE to be scared...but know it has too much of a lasting having to sleep with the lights on. So, I don't usually watch them. In fact, I've only ever seen two scary movies in the theatre... The Ring and The Others . Anyhoo, when P-Dub and I tried to see it last Friday, it was sold out. And then we spent a week thinking about it and hearing about it. I think