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Showing posts from October, 2008

Mom of a Big Kid

I did something scary tonight. I let Gabby go off and do something alone. Tonight is Family Fun Night at her school. I hate going. She wanted to walk there with her friend. So, I compromised. I dropped her off, and I am picking her up promptly at 7pm. This is kind of her first "outing" alone, without adult supervision. I mean there will be adults there, but it's not the same. Scary, scary, scary...and somewhat relieving...if she follows the rules.

Andrea's Birthday at Charlie Brown's

Russell and Dre Me and Dre Chell, Tybor, and Russell Tybor, Kelly, Dre, and Matt playing with Kelly's walking sticks. Kelly and Kevin Colton and Dre Ty and Me Ty and Chell Dre and Kelly Dre and some girl I don't know

Friedrich Wilderness Park

Gabby, Andrea, and I go hiking. Level 4 Trail, baby...and we nearly died, but made it we did!

Christmas 2007

Kitty Kitties

They keep me up all night. They make me feed them. They make me clean up after them. They leave trails of socks everywhere. But, still, I love them.

Couldn't Take it Anymore!

I don't like to blog from work, but until next Friday, this is the only computer I have access to. Yes, you heard me Friday my computer will be home, up, and running. I can't wait. I was ok without it for a couple of weeks, but now I'm dying! I need some internet interaction...desperately! My USB ports are supposedly working now, so I'll be able to use my digital camera to its fullest now as well! Yay! I have nothing to do! I'm out of work, and bored! And...I really have nothing to say. I added a new link on the sidebar to become a "follower" of this should! LOL! Check ya later!