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Showing posts from March, 2008


My phone had a rough night in the hot tub. It's dead and gone. If you could email your phone number that would be great. I'm an idiot and had all my numbers saved to my phone...not the Sim card, even though that's what it's there for!

Movie Therapy

Over the weekend I rented 4 movies. I love doing this. Renting a bunch of movies, and sitting down to watch them one right after another. So, this past weekend I saw: 1. Atonement: I loved it! Just my kind of movie. Historical fiction, good unrequited love story. And really hot guy! 2. The Brave One: Loved it, too!!! A little different than what I thought it would be, but I was definitely hooked. And Naveen Andrews (Sayid on LOST) is to die for! 3. Enchanted: Watched it twice! I should have been annoyed with it, but it was sooo unbelievably good! 4. Dan in Real Life: I was super surprised at how freakin' good this movie was. And to think I actually took Josh's advice to watch it! Usually I hate his taste in movies. I could watch it again! In other news? Nothing really. I went out a lot this past weekend. I went with Andrea and our friend Russell and played Trivia at a bar on Saturday. That was LOTS of fun! Sunday I went to Cracker Barrell with the Fam, m


Home from my most recent visit to Alexandria. I wrote a blog about our adventures on MySpace. Jess wrote one on her blog, too. I'm just here to post pictures tonight. There's some from this trip, some from Colorado, and some from recent times I went out with friends here in SA.
Jessica and Me at Eric's St. Patty's Day show in Baltimore. All three of us after the show St. Patty's Day Jess and Eric pose with George Washington and family at Mount Vernon. Hanging out with the lambs at Mount Vernon. Backseat Buddies: Eric, Keelee and Me on the way to Pike's Peak. Jessica and Eric on Pike's Peak. At the bar Metropolitan. Snow in Colorado Springs! On top of Pike's Peak. At the zoo with Joy, Andrea, and Becky. Andrea and me at my Christmas Party. At Charlie Brown's for some Karaoke. Hanging out with some firemen after going out. Joy, Andrea, Becky, and me. More firmen. Out with the girls: Kelly, Becky, Andrea, Rachel, me, Joy, and Wendy. What is Andy talking about?

One year ago today.

One year ago today, at almost this time of night, I was getting ready to go out with my semi-fiancee for a ST. Patrick's Day bash. And it turned out that was the night he told me he cheated on me. It has been one year since the. It has been exactly half the time that we were together. I didn't even think about it today untiil it was brought up. I miss him like crazy sometimes, and othher times, I'm so happy to be on my own. I'm going through a big phase of confusion and transition, but amazingly...I'm not so freaked out abou it,. Everything will work itself out at some point. I'm trying to type on Jessica's laptop ane it's not working so well. I'm going to take my drunk ass to bed, and wake up perky to go to Mount Vernon. I hate laptops! Get back to you later when I can type regular!

Still Here

I somehow lost my internet service a week or so ago. Ugh! I tried the whole unplugging/plugging it back thing, and it's still not working. I'll need to call the cable company. But, not too worried about it right now. I leave for DC to see Jessica in two days! I'll deal with it when I get back. Things have been ok. Busy. I'm making it. Slowly and struggling, but making it nontheless. Gabby turned 10 yesterday. I have a kid that's a DECADE old!!! Can you believe it?

Scariest Night of My Life

I drank too much last night. But, a lot less than usual. I was definitely drunk, but not completely shit faced. So, I left the bar, starting driving home...a friend was following me...and I looked into my rearview mirror and realized that that wasn't my friend behind me was flashing nights. My heart went into my stomach. But, then it was weird because I wasn't actually freaking out THAT bad. I very slowly grabbed my license, rolled my window down, and sat there...trying to put on a good game face. The cop walks up and says, "I pulled you over because you were doing 50 and it's 35 all the way through here." Me (playing really dumb!), "Oh, really? I didn't know that." Cop, "And you bumped a curb." Me, "I know, I'm so sorry, I was text messaging." (which I was) Cop, "How much have you had to drink tonight?" Me, "Like 2 beers." Cop, "Ok,..." Me, "Do you need...." Cop, &qu