I drank too much last night. But, a lot less than usual. I was definitely drunk, but not completely shit faced. So, I left the bar, starting driving home...a friend was following me...and I looked into my rearview mirror and realized that that wasn't my friend behind me anymore...it was flashing nights. My heart went into my stomach. But, then it was weird because I wasn't actually freaking out THAT bad. I very slowly grabbed my license, rolled my window down, and sat there...trying to put on a good game face. The cop walks up and says, "I pulled you over because you were doing 50 and it's 35 all the way through here." Me (playing really dumb!), "Oh, really? I didn't know that." Cop, "And you bumped a curb." Me, "I know, I'm so sorry, I was text messaging." (which I was) Cop, "How much have you had to drink tonight?" Me, "Like 2 beers." Cop, "Ok,..." Me, "Do you need...." Cop, ...