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Showing posts from June, 2006

I really want to hit something!

Gabby and I used to have this hamster...Hammy. He died. He was very, very noisy! He was out in the living room, but you could hear him running in his wheel or biting his cage all night long. I love to have my ceiling fan going full blast...even during the winter. Air circulation. That's what it's all about. So, lately, my ceiling fan has become increasingly louder and louder. Making rumbling, shaking noises. It makes it really hard to sleep. Especially in the wee hours when I want to hit snooze for another 15 minutes. This morning I got up and went to investigate. It was no big deal really. The glass encasing for the light bulb was just loose. So, I tightened up the screws, and VOILA! FIXED! That was about an hour ago. And, now it has come loose again, and is making the most horrendous noise. Oh, yeah, the point about Hammy is that that is what the ceiling fan sounds like. It sounds the Hammy is back, and running full force in his wheel, right in my room! I can't take it!!!...

"I want a new drug..."

THIS WEEK IS FINALLY ALMOST OVER!!! YAY!!! This has been a really hard week for me, and there's really no reason behind that. For those of you who know me well, I can fly off the handle for no reason at times...and I can also have an emotionally taxing week without a reason, too. I mean there are reasons...for one I'm totally freaking out now that I've graduated...and I'm sure there are a few other reasons that are stuck down deep inside, and I don't even know why. Anyhoo...tomorrow is Friday and I'm going to go out for a little karaoke, and I get to spend some time wit JC. Mostly I get to spend the night with him, and wake up to him on Saturday morning. There just isn't enough of that these days. There's nothing better than the closeness and intamacy of falling asleep with someone and "sharing" your dreams with them. OH GOD! That was SEVERE sappiness!!! I think I'm going tubing on Sunday for JC's birthday. Next Tuesday is hi...

I'm being attacked!!!

No, really I am! My apartment complex, me, the neighbors, everyone living here always has a problem with fruit flies when the weather is's horrible, and you can't even leave one dish in the sink (even if it's rinsed off) without being swarmed by 10 million of these little fuckers! I hate bugs! Hate them! And I don't know what to do. I even had my house fogged last summer and it didn't help at all! Right now I'm sans bug spray, so I've been using anything I can find...Lysol counter cleaner, hairspray, air freshener, and now I've resorted to Pledge, citrus scent. That's it, Gabby! No more bananas and grapes for you! It only makes the problem worse. Even if my kitchen is spotless, they migrate to the bathroom and hang out on the mirror...I don't know what the hell they're getting from there! Maybe they like Windex...maybe that's why it doesn't help as a substitute bug killer.

How exciiiiiting!!!

It's been a long time since I've been able to do this...sit here with a bagel and coffee, early in the morning, and just blog. Although, I think I may have forgotten how to do this. I no longer know what I should or shouldn't say in this forum. Ah, screw it...I've never censored myself before. I don't know why I've been doing it, I'll stop! Friday and yesterday I worked out with Ray Ray the Saviour. I'm heading back to the gym here soon as well. It's so hard to get back into the routine that I used to have. It most definitely is a lifestyle change, and it affects the things you do on the weekends, and who you hang out with...and really...I really, really need to learn to say NO! So, Ray Ray keeps making me do this thing that I absolutely hate. It's called Jump-ups w/ a 5 second squat hold. Basically I have to jump up onto one of those step aerobic platform things, stay in a squat and hold it for 5 seconds. It sucks! It mostly sucks be...

One Year Better

I had a great weekend! A little stressful, but great! My mom threw a big party on Saturday for my graduation/birthday. A couple of old friends showed up and that was really nice. Today is my birthday. I had a nice simple dinner with my family (leftovers from the party). Everyone has been so supportive and great with all the congratulatory stuff about my graduation. I never expected this much "love". It's a really awesome feeling. Now it's back to the grindstone of finding myself a career. I'm so sick of looking at my resume and being reminded that while I have done a lot of really cool things (like the whole graduation thing), I also have not accomplished nearly enough at the age that I am. I had a really good talk with my mom today about what kind of jobs I could be looking for, and I'm really happy with the outcome.


Looking for a job...AHEM...excuse me, a career is just damn right hard and frustrating. It's even more frustrating when you know it might be what you do with the REST OF YOUR LIFE...and you don't even know what it is that you want to do! And let me tell all of you out there who are thinking about going back to school, or who are in school yourself a HUGE favor...pick something technical, pick a real specific speciality...don't do anything general AT ALL! I don't understand...almost eveyone tells you to just get a stinkin' piece of paper and you're good to go...anyone in the world will hire you...WRONG! All anyone wants is someone with "skills" and experience. Whatever...time to put in some more resumes! P.S. Gabby is great! JC is great! JC and I are pretty good! My new car is awesome! My body and clothes not so awesome! My brain...melting, and just for good measure I've been eating too many eggs!

I learned a new word today...

So, I'm going toobing tomorrow. That called for a desperate pedicure...desperate...I could have probably just painted over my French manicure, but I had a lot of toenails that had, who can get enough of sitting in that massage chair getting your toes did? So...I went and got a pedicure tonight. At first I was highly pissed off and very annoyed. I waited for 45 minutes with my feet in the water before anyone came to do my toes! And then this Hispanic girl was going back and forth with a Vietnamese girl on who was going to actually do them...Awww, God! Are my toes that bad? I mean they hadn't even seen them, yet! Anyway, Wendy the Vietnamese girl got lucky and won the straw to touch my beautiful feet. I couldn't stay mad for long. Within minutes I wanted to roll out of my seat laughing. The Hispanic girl was trying to teach Wendy words in Spanish, and, of course, Wendy was trying to teach the Hispanic girl (Myrna) Vietnamese words. So, then this misc...