Gabby and I used to have this hamster...Hammy. He died. He was very, very noisy! He was out in the living room, but you could hear him running in his wheel or biting his cage all night long. I love to have my ceiling fan going full blast...even during the winter. Air circulation. That's what it's all about. So, lately, my ceiling fan has become increasingly louder and louder. Making rumbling, shaking noises. It makes it really hard to sleep. Especially in the wee hours when I want to hit snooze for another 15 minutes. This morning I got up and went to investigate. It was no big deal really. The glass encasing for the light bulb was just loose. So, I tightened up the screws, and VOILA! FIXED! That was about an hour ago. And, now it has come loose again, and is making the most horrendous noise. Oh, yeah, the point about Hammy is that that is what the ceiling fan sounds like. It sounds the Hammy is back, and running full force in his wheel, right in my room! I can't take it!!!...