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Showing posts from March, 2006


It's Monday morning, and I took today off from work. Right before the true tax season we get really low on work. So, they pretty much give us off any day we want. I'm taking off today and Friday. This past weekend was really great. And this is going to sound strange, but I feel really good about the fact that I'm saying I had a great weekend and Gabby was home with me. I feel like so often all of my "great" weekends are weekends that don't involve her, and that's just a shame. On Friday night my aunt and uncle were in town, so the whole fam went downtown and ate at Mi Tiera's. We got a little lost on the way home. Saw a crack deal goin' down. Good times. Saturday, took Gabby to eat at Red Robin. And then went to CD Exchange and the pet store with Andrea and Josh. I've been seriously thinking about getting Gabby and me two kittens for the last year. I think I've thought about it long enough that I might actually make it happen. O

Catch Up Extravaganza

CAUTION: An obscene amount of pictures to follow. I have been doing some extreme catch up stuff here and over at my MySpace profile. I had learned to live without a computer, but of course, as soon as I get it back and running, I just can't seem to step away... NOTE TO SELF: The minute you finish posting this you WILL call cable company and finally get rid of this ridiculous dial-up internet!!! (The few times that I used other computers in the last few weeks I really got used to fast service, and now I'm so pissed off at the slowness of dial-up I might throw the damn computer across the room!!!) This first set is from my trip to DC to visit Jessie in December 2005. It's very, very sad. I think Jessie posted three pictures that she had taken, and I also only took three pictures from my whole three days there. These were taken the first night at a bar called Bilbo Baggins. Jessica, me, and Jessie's friend "Little" Jen... E, and Jessica with the very famous k

Christmas 2005

Christmas was kind of rough on me this year...JC and I had broken up, I had just had my tonsils taken out, I had been deathly ill for months beforehand, and was really kind of just all around desperately I'm sure you could tell from previous posts, but this little person with me in all these pictures somehow makes everything better...

Rrrrrico Suave

These are just Joshy and me before we went out one night. I think this is from the night when JC and I were broken up, and he was out of town, so I went out with all of our friends. I think I own more black clothes than a nun... Look how debonair Josh looks...

The Surprise Birthday Party

The Time Machine people's Boss's wife was throwing the Boss a surprise birthday, which included a scavenger hunt before hand. Andrea was trekking around Big Bend National Park and couldn't be there, so instead we had her head on a stick to feel her presence. I also sang karaoke for the very first time this night..."I love rock'n'roll... Velma pours one on for Dre... JC and Jamie with Dre. .. The karaoke DJ serenades Dre... Awww. Dre's head, me, and way too much bronzer... Mr. Incredible getting jiggy with Dre...

St. Patty's Day

Jessie, E, and I spent the day down on the Riverwalk. We then had dinner at JC's restaurant where JC waited on us as Obi-Wan Kenobi. We drank green potion drinks. Jessie and E were tuckered out, and went back to their hotel, but I had told everyone that I would be out and about, so I headed to [Snoopy Dog's]...the place where we go for karaoke every Friday night. These pictures make me a little ill...there's just TOO much GREEN going on... Jessie and E at the Time Machine with their Green Potion drinks... Look at the freakin' color of that beer. It looks toxic... Andrea and me. Um, yea, I think our eyes look a little red... Me, JC, JC's boss, and boss's close attention...JC wore this hat that Andrea, me, and everyone else thought was the dumbest, most toolbag thing in the world, that we've seen these's actually pretty freakin' the little really does move throughout the night

Jessie and E's Night out at the Bitter End

Jessica has all the touristy pictures on her camera...I just have the "party pics". I love this place, the Bitter End...could be because the weekend before Jessica came down, JC and I spent a night there without anyone except the two of us, which is rare. It was cool for me to take Jessie out and kind of show her what I've been up to on the weekends when Gabby's not home, except I think she might have thought the amount of drinking going on was ridonculous. Coffe with the Schwenkster... First E played a couple of games of pool with Andrea at Clicks... Me, Jessie, E, and E's lips... Andrea and a very pale, washed out me, possibly tipsy me... Andrea, Mr. Incredible, JC, and JC's new glasses... The three of us again... I don't remember what she said, but it must have been pretty darn funny... Awwww... Ok, a little explaination...This random guy was sitting at the table behind us, and he seriously made this face and danced all night long. It was the funniest

Where to start?

I guess I'll start from the beginning of my "missing" life, and work my way forward... JC SAGA - He called and wanted to work things out so that we could hang out in the same room with each other and be "friends". We had a bunch of long, emotional conversations, and everything happened really quickly. The next thing I knew he was telling me that he made the biggest mistake of his life, and that he had gotten scared. He tried to just think of all the bad things in our relationship when we weren't together, so that it would be easier on him, but in the end it didn't work. He tried seeing other people, and just couldn't get past "me". I held out for a few weeks, and told him that I just wasn't willing to tell him how I felt about the whole situation because I didn't trust him with my emotions whatsoever. But, in the end, we're back together and "working" on things. We're not making promises because promises make expe

Hello Hello

oIt's about DAMN time! I finally hooked up my computer today, and I'm back in business. So much to catch up on, but I'll have to save it because I'm busy trying to get pictures situated from Jess and E's trip here to San Antonio. They just left today. So, I will get that done, and get back here to blog about recent events ASAP!!!