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Showing posts from January, 2006


My computer has been down, and the only chance I get to use one is at my parent's house, and we all know I try to go there as little as possible! Just kidding! I've been started...I have a cool GPS mapping class...walked a mile in that class today, through sanitized sewage, lots of rocks, poison ivy, and a cute boy named Alex who offered to carry my jacket when it got too hot and I took it off. I think I will definitely be looking forward to this class. Work started too...YUCK! I'm not happy with that place...more later. I just wanted to catch up for a quick second...Not too much to say...I have good days and bad days still. I'm depressed as hell most of the time, but I'm making it through and staying busy. I also started training with Ray Ray again! I haven't been able to walk without pain in a week! I'm trying to avoid writing about certain things on this blog anymore...or certain people...I'm finding that challenging...well, I


Massage and eyebrow wax today...pedicure tomorrow...pampering, pampering, pampering. School starts next week. Woo Hoo! My last semester! I'm taking two freshman level classes...they better be freakin' easy! Why didn't I think of this before??? I didn't know I had so many lower division hours left! I took all the hard upper division classes in the beginning! Maybe I should cut my hair off, too? I should be going back to work in the next couple of weeks, too. Yay! I've had too much idle time, which is not good for someone like me that thinks and analyzes way too much. Signing up with Ray Ray the Savior again...if he can fit me in...if not, he said he'd find me the next best trainer to kick my butt into gear.

Last Chance

My allergies are killing me today!!! The only thing I'm allergic to is mountain cedar, and it's that time of year again! I'm sniffling, coughing, and all pressured up! It's killing my still unhealed throat as well! So, I just thought I'd elaborate a little more on the other night when I ran into JC. It was an event that I really wanted to go to, and I really knew that I would be able to handle the situation well if he showed up. I guess I was looking cute, but I didn't really feel like it. Anyway, the "seeing of each other" happened the way I said it did before, but let me emphasize just how "wrong" the timing was. We seriously had to walk by each other right at the top of a flight of stairs, almost bumping into each, and like I said there was that single, weird moment of eye contact, and I cannot even describe the look that he gave looked like complete devestation or something...then as I walked by him in what was probably only a nan