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Showing posts from November, 2004
I am BLOG obsessed I am addicted to blogs. I wake up every morning, take Gabby to school, grab a coffee and bagel (yeah, that will!), and then I can't wait to get back home so I can do my morning surfing through blogs before I get ready for school. However, there seems to be little or no new blippity blogging going on! I am very disappointed. I need nutrition for my brain. Snap to it my little blogger friends!!! (kidding...well...maybe half-way kidding!). Do you think there's such thing as Bloggers Anonymous? My child thinks she's very funny: Last night - pick up Gabby from parent's house. Parent's have a story to tell that they think is hilarious. My dad was doing Gabby's spelling homework for her. He was helping with the words "mad" and "made" . . . he made her spell both and show the distinction in the vowel sound . . . then he was playing around and asked her to spell "maid" . . . Gabb
"Monday morning when I wake up . . . " Call me crazy, but I love Mondays. Yes, it is true. I love this day that everyone else in the world hates. When I'm working I love Mondays because I go to work feeling refreshed and I can 10-key it all day long. By Friday, my back hurts, my neck hurts, I'm tired, and I just can't type as fast. When I'm not working I love Mondays I think because I have too much time on my hands on the weekends, not enough to do, I get bored, I think way too much, and I end up in some nerve-wracking frenzy. Then Monday morning shines through my window and I'm ready to get up and start the day, refreshed, ready to be busy, ready to do everything I tell myself all weekend I'm going to do in the next week...which, actually, only about half of those things ever get done. This particular Monday morning I am feeling especially awesome. Productive. Ready to conquer the week with a new found fervor. I have phone calls to make, I have
Happy Things Ok, so Gabby is much older now than in this picture, but look at my little lovey...So Sweet!
No More Bagels, Please . . . I am ending my morning bagel and coffee run. It is getting expensive, and I really just have spent way too much money and time on Aaron the Beast to be doing it, anyways. I haven't seen Aaron in like 2 weeks, and he's out of town this week. I think I'm having withdrawals. I HATE going to the gym to do cardio, but I really do love my resistance training workouts with Aaron. It makes me feel strong and like I've really accomplished something. There's a really good feeling that comes from making your body do things that it doesn't want to do. Good for my soul, maybe? I am going to make it in for cardio today! It takes so much energy to make myself actually go to the gym, but there's never a time when I leave the gym and say that I wished I hadn't gone. It really does give you a boost; it's just a matter of getting there ...Not sure if I can give up the coffee so readily, though... No class today. I actually got to wak
Torn and Tattered Yep! The worst week ever seems to have actually made it through a full week...starting last Monday and hopefully it ended yesterday (Monday). I will get this over with quickly, though, and hope that this is the end of it. Last we were...broken down car on Friday...picked up Gabby and mom's car, got lost for an hour on the way to dropping Gabby off at her dad' the rain, talking to Jess as she laughed at me for being lost. Had to have a more than 5 minute conversation with Gabby's dad. Saturday: supposed to go shopping with mom, she cancelled. Took out my own stitches...thought I lost one. Went shopping with for new jacket and feet are too big, and they never have my boobs and shoulders are too big and every leather jacket has shoulder pads, and I'm not trying to look like a linebacker. Josh made me walk from the mall to Target. Josh bought stuff. He bought stuff that came in hard boxes with corners. Josh
A 5 Minute Pick-Me-Up I know that these quizzes are a little...ummm...silly, but this one picked me up a little and made me forget my week for at least 5 minutes, and true or not...I liked what it had to say! So there! Guys Like That You're Charming You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-) You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't! What Do Guys Like About You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
"When it rains, it pours!" Thanks neighbor Dan for that sentiment! I really needed you to say that like I need a hole in the head. Didn't I say that this week was going to get better? HaHaHa! It probably got worse just because I said that! Found out today from a classmate that this class that I registered for in the Spring, a class that I have to have to graduate has been changed to a different time and day!!! WHAT!!! I spent hours upon hours searching and searching to make my whole school/work schedule work out next semester! I had it perfect! I was actually very happy with it! Now I'm going to have to work the whole thing out again. Went to class even though I didn't want to this morning...drove home, got out o' car, got a letter from work saying that they overpaid me and are going to be taking the money out of my paychecks...and THERE COULD BE INTEREST CHARGED!!! Am I reading this right? Am I really going to be charged interest on mo
Worst Week EVER! (This is probably going to be one of my longer post...maybe boring, maybe don't, or just scroll down to look at Clive Owen again!) I have had the worst week ever! But now, it's better, so I can maybe actually laugh at it? I started off the week with this paper due on Wednesday that I hadn't even started. A very important paper, I might add. So, for all the rest of the events that conspired Mon - Wed just remember that the paper is LOOMING over my head...(Ok, has been a bad "week" because it's more like only the first two days of the week, but it felt like the entire thing!...I really am losing it, huh?) MONDAY morning I had class in the class that the paper is due in...we had a test the week before...I didn't get mine back because I missed class on Friday thanks to having to be at my doctor's...I picked up my test after class...IT WAS A 'C'! ONLY LIKE THE SECOND 'C' I HAVE EVER
I think I've found him!!!, ignore a previous post about me never being in love ...I LOVE this very sexy, sultry British actor, Clive Owen...There are lots of actors, I know, who might be considered "sexier", you know, like Jessica's Johnny Depp, but there is just something about this guy...maybe it's his "country" British accent, the way those words spill out of his pretty mouth, or maybe it was his portrayal of Dr. Nick in Beyond Borders ...who knows...but I don't think I will ever get enough of seeing him!! Look for him to appear in the new movie Closer , which, by the way, let me repeat, features a song by MY Damien Rice !
Memories So, I've been reading this blog that all my 'inter-circle' of 'e-friends' has mentioned, Dooce . And I can't believe how much I laugh and...OMG...I cried today. When she talks about all the events that she goes through with her daughter I am reminded about how long ago that was for me...and when you're in the moments of screaming kids and being a woman you never thought you'd be (talking in silly voices, making faces, cleaning up spit-up, spitting on your own thumb to wipe off messes, cleaning up poop, etc, etc, etc), you scream, you stress, you cry, you occassionally laugh, mostly out of insanity...and now...looking in on someone else going through it...I think I wish I could have enjoyed seems so sweet and so comforting...and so natural...and so long long long ago for me. I couldnt' believe I was crying today!!! The most recent post was funny...not sad...but it made me very emotional for some reason...and missing that feeling w
Stealing, stealing, stealing I stole this quiz...thanks Jeanette! According to I should be living in Alexandria, fact all 24 of my choices were in LA, TX, and FL...and none of the spots in TX were in San Antonio...but I'm close enough I guess.
What is the definition of love? Some anonymous person asked me this in the 'comments section' many blogs ago. A hard one to answer...everyone has a different answer...I am slowly admitting to myself that I have never truly been in love...I have felt deep affection for people, and I have had my feelings manipulated, and I have definitely been in lust...But I honestly can say that I've never been in love on my own terms...I'm so ready to be swept completely off my feet...
An Inspiration for Relaxation San Antonio Sunset
"Just sit back, and RELAAAXX!" I have a serious problem. I don't know how to relax. And I hear it from everyone...Aaron the Beast: "Shoulders, down and back, you just need to relax." Josh: "Stop worrying about the AOC, he likes you, just relax." Gabby: "Chill out, mom, and stop being crazy." I think it's all my mom's fault that I don't know how to relax, at least it's always the parental units that get the blame for the things we think are wrong with us, right? I know how to lay in bed all day and be lazy, I did lots of that on Saturday, but it's not quite the same as just being at peace and 'relaxed'. My brain is still going a mile a minute. Aaron the Beast says I need to seriously do a Time Budget and then I won't be worried, and I can just relax. I don't think it will help though. Was I always like this? Or is it something that just came with Gabby? You can always blame those bad characteristics on t
I can be very anal . . . This is going to sound ridiculous I know, but have you ever felt so strongly about something like a movie, an actor, a book, a song, a band...that you want the whole world to know that they are yours and you listened to them know...come on...I know someone else has had this feeling before...My point here is that there's this guy that i LOVE!!! That I have loved for a good long while now, and he has had a video that they used to play at like 5 in the morning on VH1, but's a very little known album, and except for that one song from the video, the rest of the songs on the album were hidden...or at least I liked to think so. Well...there's this one song on the album that is kind of special to me and the ex...and still can kind of get to me when I hear it...Last weekend when I saw Alfie, there was a preview for this new movie Closer, which I can't wait to see, but they are playing that one particular song through the trail
Josh the fairy boy . . . or funny man? My friend Josh is the worst blogger ever...he blogs like...oh...I don't know, once a century? Which really sucks, because he's much funnier in writing than he is in person (hahahah), and I can tolerate and appreciate him a lot more when I read about his day rather than hearing it...Anyways...I was searching through his blog and found these two posts I had forgotten about and made me renew my thinking of least for this hour, until he calls me in the middle of the day to annoy the hell out of me!!!
. . . 5 Bottles of Beer on the Wall . . . I had the best weekend ever with my best bud, Josh ...walking downtown on the Riverwalk, martinis at Swig,...(followed up my an IM conversation with the 'adventurous, online crush'...who Josh thinks I should start calling the AOC, but then I more thing Jess might think I'm stealing, but she stole my I actually went to the gym and did cardio, then Josh and I went to an art museum, lunch at a French restaurant, and then on to historical Gruene, TX...which included lots of bikers looking at my Josh like they wanted to kick his ass (kidding, my friend)...scary antique shops...a sliding climb down a steep hill to see the river, and then the "I can't breath and I have to quit smoking" climb back up the hill...drinks, appetizers, and desert at this very cool restaurant that I love...then it was back to SA...we wanted to see Alfie, but it didn't start for an hour or so...went
Do you wash your candles? This happened last week, but I forgot to share... I went to pick Gabby up from my mom's house after school...we were kind of just hanging about in my mom's room...I was putting Gabby's shoes on, my mom was watching CSI...I wasn't really paying attention to anything except getting Gabby's shoes on...I finished that up and was about to walk out the door when my mom makes a comment, "Why in the world would she wash her candles?" I looked over to the television just in time to see the character Grissom (or however you spell it) pulling a blue vibrator out of a dishwasher..."Mom, that's not a candle..."
My Ever Funny Daughter There was a fake little voting taking place in Gabby's 1st grade class on Tuesday. She told me last night that she voted for 'George Dubia Bush' thanks to the encouragement of her little friend Dakota, who told her that John Kerry was a bad man. We had the talk last night about thinking with her own mind, and that she maybe should have voted for Kerry since she's supposed to listen to I explained how Kerry lost the election and her candidate won. She responded with, "Oh well...better luck next time, mom". This morning I kissed my beautiful daughter good-bye in the daycare and she announced to the entire place that my breath smelled like bagels. Kids...gotta love them?
Made Fresh For You: Hot & Delicious I've still been skipping least a class a I know another important reason that it's not a good idea...FINDING OUT YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE, AND HAVING TO WAIT AN HOUR TO GET A NEW ONE!!! Yes, that's right, I had a flat tire as I was leaving work and heading to school...tire place was on the corner, so I was very much a girl, and stopped to have the boys do it for me instead of changing it myself. Was probably the best idea anyway. It had been slashed and couldn't be saved. Yesterday was my ex-boyfriend's birthday. We haven't spoken in about three months. We dated for five years so I felt like I needed to at least in some way just simply say "Happy Birthday". A friend at work suggested I just text message him. Sounded like a great idea, right? WRONG!! The ex in question has tended to have stalkerish qualities, and every time I give him an inch he takes way more than a mile. 4 text message