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Showing posts from September, 2004
Garden State Rocks Not only is the movie Garden State one of the best I've ever seen, but the soundtrack has become the soundtrack to my life (or at least I've been listening to it an awful lot). Not only does it have one of my favorite Coldplay songs on it, but the whole thing is just really, really good. I WILL BE PRODUCTIVE TODAY!!! My moods have been so up and down lately...even when I'm feeling happy or things are going well...still...moody!!! SUCKS!!! But, it's not getting the better of me today!!! Seeing Aaron at 4 today...a little scared! What will he make me do today? When I was little I used to think it was so cool that my sister could pop her knuckles...I tried, and tried, and tried till I was able to do it myself. Now? I do it all the time...too much...especially when I'm working and having to do 10-key all really does help my fingers to be looser. BUT, I seem to have done it way to much lately, and now I can barely move my pinky!!
Just call me Sailor Moon! Josh says this picture makes me look like I'm an Anime character.
Aaron . . . Beauty? or Beast? Can you say "Pain in every inch of my body, and I can't walk, laugh, talk, or let alone climb stairs at school?" I hadn't planned on going into the gym on Monday. Somehow I didn't get on Aaron's schedule, and I had to meet a classmate for a little study group, but...Aaron called and said, "You're going to be here at 1, right?" What could I say? I guess I could've said no, but I really did want to go. After hurting my shoulder pretty bad earlier this year, my workouts were not half as bad as they used to be. Mostly we just worked on my lower body, and getting my butt to "function" properly. Lower body stuff, for me, is pretty easy. But, alas, the shoulder is healed, and my butt knows how to function... what's left? Complete and utter TORTURE!!! Monday, Aaron had me run through a kind of circuit training thing that I haven't done in over half a year. I was on the verge of tears, and I wa
"Do you believe in fairies? . . . I do, I do . . . " I don't take much stock in things like horoscopes, but I do think that the astrological profiles of characteristics is pretty right on. The description of me, a Cancer, is so like me it's crazy, but this alone is not the reason that I think they're so right on. Almost every person that has ever been close to me (except family of course) is either a Pisces, Scorpio, or a Virgo...coincidence? I think not. There has to be something in those people's personalities that attract me to them, or them to me, or whatever...anyways, read on to find out more about me... Sun in Cancer June 22 - July 22 Like the crab that represents them, people who are born under the sign of Cancer can be curious and complex creatures. Emotional security and tranquility are your overriding concerns, and you tend to feel things deeply. If you are a Cancer, you are most likely doggedly determined when it comes to getting what y
Life is Beautiful It's been a while since I've blogged...I think? I haven't been the happiest camper lately. Everything that happens to me always seems too good to be true...and not only do things seem that way, but...they actually are. I watched a band palying at school tonight after class with a couple of made me feel a little sentimental towards a certain guitar player that I know. Life is simple, and life is good, and life can be easy, and life is beautiful...I'm the one who makes things complicated. I think I've always had this little part of me that loves tragedy and to be tragic. In all actuality though...that's NOT who I really am. I'm just too scared to let myself be happy I think I said up above...things are too good to be true most of the time, and instead of just living in the moment...I wait...I wait for things to come crashing down. I'm not so sure I'm happy with the fact that my blogging soun
Life is . . . ? It's been a long time since I have felt, well, . . . much. The last couple of weeks I have had every range of emotion that there is I think. It's good, and it's bad, and it's at least something.
It's Early . . . I couldn't believe it when Gabby and I walked out the door this morning that it was actually kind of chilly. That will probably last until 1pm, but for now at least it's awesome. However, it does remind me that my hot days by the pool are numbered. Creative Week #2; 1st assignment: the name of my biography would be . . . QUEEN LIZ . . . this blog is it anyways isn't it? Not very creative, I know. I'm tired, give me a break. Why are other women not very nice to me?
Labor Day Weekend This weekend has not been the fun, exciting, adult weekend that I thought it would be, but it has at least been relaxing. Yesterday it rained really hard, so there was no pool time to be gotten. I spent the day with Gabby and Josh kind of shopping. I finally got new black flip-flops, and I bought 5 new books from Half Price. I love that place. I've only discovered it in the last 6 months...I knew it was there, I was just hooked on Barnes & Noble...There are some very strange peopel in there though! You could just people watch all day there I'm sure! Today the sun is out, and I will definitely be making it to the pool. Tomorrow holds laundry and homework. Later today maybe I'll actually get around to cleaning. The air is getting cooler and that usually makes me feel restless, and I want to do a lot more. Aaron wants to do measurements tomorrow...not happening!!! I'll just go warm-up before he can catch me, and then he won't do them!!!
TGIF? Great...I typed up this whole blog...and now it's gone!!! It didn't post!!! AAAHHAHAHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm going to eat and see Aaron...and maybe I'll try to rewrite later!!!
Lip Test This is the result of my lip test: Elizabeth, you're all about Tight Lips Do you tend to play it safe? Hedge your bets? Keep a stiff upper lip when it comes to sensitive matters? Nothing wrong with that — don't your friends tend to confide in you more than others? You're honest and trustworthy, and you logically think things out in order to come to a rational, smart conclusion.Your mouth doesn't get you into trouble too much, and you can be choosy when it comes to when, where, and with whom you open up. There's a simple elegance to your quiet ways that allows you to stay in control of situations and, in the end, hold all of the right cards. After all, a little mystery makes everything more interesting. Find out what kind of lips you have:
Shame, Shame, Shame (Title should be sung to the tune of "Chain, Chain, Chain" - the song that I suck at the most on Playstation Karaoke.) Skipping school again today. I can't believe it!!! I am so ashamed of my self, and I feel so guilty. I just can't deal with this parking thing, and I hate that I have to be there for like 3 hours before class starts, unless I want to go mad looking for parking like 10 minutes before class, and then I'll be late. This guy in one of my classes says that he likes being there that early so that he can relax before class. What? I like being there like maybe 30 minutes early. That's enough time to catch up on homework and relax before class for me. But 3 hours before? There are much better things I could do. I could for one go to the gym and get in my cardio and then head off to school. That's what I thought I would be doing, but i guess not. Today is my last day at work!!!! (at least until October). So, now maybe