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Showing posts from December, 2009

Christmas 2009

My Christmas Craft

So, now that Jess, Eric and Carly have received their Christmas Craft gift, I can share. I made balls this Christmas. A bunch of balls. Why? Because Chicks like balls. I started to order them online and decided I wasn't going to pay $15 for a monogrammed I made my own...and then I made more and more and more...I've put anything you can imagine in a clear glass ball. Here are some pics to prove it...I'm kind of pissed that my favorite for Andrea and one for Joy were wrapped before I got pictures of them... I made one similar to this for Andrea, Kelly, Becky, Joy, Jess and a little one for Carly...all black and white filled with white feathers and topped with a 2009 ribbon and pearls (This is Andrea's). Then I made "personalized" ones. So, Becky loves the beach and I made her a ball with sand and shells. Kelly's was all sparkly like this...and like her... For Joy I did "earthy" and I did a "traveling" one for An

I just don't know...tis the season?

I've had crazy energy lately. On the go. Ready to just get things done. Crafting for the first time since like junior high. Putting up my tree for the first time in 2 years. Finished with Christmas shopping for the first time ever. Sending out Christmas cards for the first time in like 3 or 4 years. Happy. Most of the time. Content. Busy, frustrated and stressed as hell at work still, but not such a big deal since I just got my end of year evaluation with glorious things said about me, my skills, my knowledge, etc. and my impeccable work ethic. Yea, bet you didn't know that about me did ya? I'M ONLY LAZY AT HOME, PEOPLE! But, haven't been lately. It's weird. Maybe it's P-Dub. Maybe it's not being drunk and hung over all the time. Maybe it's being heavily medicated for ADHD and anxiety. I've even had patience with Gabby. Whatever. I'm just gonna go with it.

I'm Learning...

Reason #103 to not "craft" in your bed: Sometimes glass breaks. Then you will have shards of glass all over your sheets. You could change the sheets to be on the safe side, but you're tired and your bed is covered in glitter and ribbon and one hundred other things. And, also, sometimes you might just be lazy and willing to risk a few shards of glass in your back as you sleep because you got most of the big pieces. Reason #99 for not getting rid of your dining room table: It can be used for crafting instead of your bed.


A month or so ago, P-Dub and I spend an evening with friends at Andrea's house. When we got back to my apartment, I really wanted to give my cats some of the new treats I had just bought them. I found these treats that they absolutely go crazy over...Temptations. But, I couldn't find the bag. P-Dub kept saying, "Maybe you already fed them all of them." And I was like, "No way! I bought two bags. We finished one and there was a brand new one on the counter this morning!" We didn't find them and just went to bed. The next morning we woke up and P-Dub said, "Look!" I looked at the floor near my closet in my room...and there was the bag of Temptations. The empty bag of Temptations. Apparently those treats really are like crack because my cats have never...EVER...gotten into food like that before...Look at the perfect little hole they made in the did they do that??? There are also little teeth marks all over it.