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Showing posts from April, 2009

Movie Therapy

Rachel Getting Married - I think this movie destroyed my soul for a couple of days. It hit a little too close to home. I went into it thinking it was a dramedy, but it was more like heavy crying with a little chuckle here and there mixed in. I really liked it though. Once - Most simple little love story. And just really good. I watched it right after the movie above though, and so it also destroyed my soul. I want to re-watch it when I'm in a happier mood. Role Models - Hilarious. The Alphabet Killer - Awful. No. Really. I should have known. It was a terrible movie. The Children of Huang Shi - Another war, period film that I love. Plus, looking at Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is always a plus for me. Happy-Go-Lucky - It looked really cute. Looked like a feel good movie. But, it was just kind of weird, and I didn't "get it". Brick Lane - You know movies that are good, but you're just watching, just kind of in to it...and then at the end it totally gets y


I think I'm the only one who thought the scene with "Smokey" was Sci-Fi cheesiness. It really bothered and pissed me off. I almost said, "Forget this show! Did they really have to go THERE!?" In fact, I am kind of saying that...I'm not sure I care about the island secrets anymore. I just care about the people from the show and where they're gonna end up. I will be sad to see this show that has occupied a few years of my life now, but I need some closure. Quick.


Work has been crazy busy so far this week. Last weekend was pretty busy, too. Gabby spent the weekend at her dad's. They always have a big "to do" about Easter, so it was probably a lot more fun for her over there. Thursday night I had dinner with this guy I've been dating. Not just some guy. The guy I've been dating. For the purposes of this blog he will be known as P-Dub because I can't say his name. Then we spent the rest of the evening here at my apartment. Woke up Friday and hung around here. Then I met up with Andrea and had delicious Steam Pots at Joe's Crab Shack. Came back here when she had to go back to work. P-Dub and I did some driving around and browsed through Best Buy and Rooms-2-Go. Then headed out to dinner with his mom, stepdad, sister, his sister's girlfriend, his uncle, and his uncle's girlfriend. We had Vietnamese. I got freaked out. P-Dub was smart and got Pho...which looked delicious. I tried in in VA and reall

I find it difficult... blog on a regular basis. I feel like I'm always playing catch up. I had a really great weekend. Gabby went to her dad's. I had dinner with a friend and his family on Friday for his step-dad's birthday. That was really good. And then my friend had to go home to catch some zzzz's for his trip to Houston the next morning. I met up with Andrea at The Crazy Ape and it was just the two of us. Saturday was another laugh fest like our trip to the coast. We had lunch at Fish City Grill. Did a little jewelry shopping. And got Mystic tans. (I have streaks. I didn't buff in a circular motion enough). Stopped for ice cream and then we each headed home. I met up with Andrea again a little later at Baker Street Pub. Our friend, Nick the Bartender, was having a birthday party with a White Trash theme. We perched ourselves at the bar and watched the craziness ensue. I was offered a $100 plus tips to let my boobs make an appearance at a Bachelor Party. WTF!!??