Rachel Getting Married - I think this movie destroyed my soul for a couple of days. It hit a little too close to home. I went into it thinking it was a dramedy, but it was more like heavy crying with a little chuckle here and there mixed in. I really liked it though. Once - Most simple little love story. And just really good. I watched it right after the movie above though, and so it also destroyed my soul. I want to re-watch it when I'm in a happier mood. Role Models - Hilarious. The Alphabet Killer - Awful. No. Really. I should have known. It was a terrible movie. The Children of Huang Shi - Another war, period film that I love. Plus, looking at Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is always a plus for me. Happy-Go-Lucky - It looked really cute. Looked like a feel good movie. But, it was just kind of weird, and I didn't "get it". Brick Lane - You know movies that are good, but you're just watching, just kind of in to it...and then at the end it totally gets y...