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Showing posts from March, 2009

Texas Coast Weekend

Between work, dating (check out True Romance?, I have an update), friends, and family drama beyond belief, mama. I needed to get away. Desperately! I thought, "Hmmm...I should take Gabby to the coast. I've never been in March." But, I was a little scared of going alone...mostly for my own mental stability. So, I dragged Andrea into going. Well, really she's having the same friend drama, so I didn't have to twist her arm too much. And, I threw in the fact that I wanted to eat ridiculous amounts of thing we share in common. That was Wednesday of last week. By Thursday morning Andrea had our accomodations ready and there was nothing else to do. No plans. It was a great feeling. Just packing up and going. Friday after work, Andrea picked us up. Didn't even get out of her car. And we set off. The giggling began right away. I have NEVER laughed as hard as I did on this little mini-vaca. And I freakin' needed it! We stopped at Burge
Andrea and Gabby in Bayside. Gabby could use some work on her photographing skills. But she did ok on this one. Bayside, TX Creepy Wood's Mansion in Bayside. Andrea's family used to live down the street. Apparently the husband went away to war leaving his wife and 12 children. The wife went crazy. Gabby was so darn excited about the barnacles. I was surprised she knew what a barnacle was. It was very windy. Gabby and Andrea on the pier in Bayside. More of Bayside More...of Bayside. And the last of Bayside. Creepy Fulton Mansion in Fulton, TX. I really would love to have done the tour, but it was too late. The view from Fulton Mansion. Part of what made Fulton Mansion so creepy...all the stuff around the basement... Gabby in one of the big trees around Big Tree. THE Big Tree We set out to eat a lot of seafood...and we did.

Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning

That's what's going on with me for the next 4 days. I need some organization. I need a change of pace. I need to feel at ease. Maybe I'll go buy a Buddhist alter for my balcony. I had another relationship end recently and it's been hard to deal with because of the circumstances. But, the weird thing is when I actually feel myself start to shed a tear about it, I realize that it's not really about the other person. There just wasn't enough time invested, and there weren't deep enough emotions invested. It's sad. And I wish it had not ended. I wish I would have had a snap of reality, that I kind of have now...I might have done things differently. Been myself more. Been the vulnerable, caring person that I am. Been less stand offish. And in the end that probably would not have mattered because I have to remember that it's not all about what I could've done differently. Sometimes it really is about the other person, and what they need t