Between work, dating (check out True Romance?, I have an update), friends, and family drama beyond belief, mama. I needed to get away. Desperately! I thought, "Hmmm...I should take Gabby to the coast. I've never been in March." But, I was a little scared of going alone...mostly for my own mental stability. So, I dragged Andrea into going. Well, really she's having the same friend drama, so I didn't have to twist her arm too much. And, I threw in the fact that I wanted to eat ridiculous amounts of thing we share in common. That was Wednesday of last week. By Thursday morning Andrea had our accomodations ready and there was nothing else to do. No plans. It was a great feeling. Just packing up and going. Friday after work, Andrea picked us up. Didn't even get out of her car. And we set off. The giggling began right away. I have NEVER laughed as hard as I did on this little mini-vaca. And I freakin' needed it! We stopped at Burge...